Misunderstanding the Trinity.

This really is a reason why I detest memes. They really dumb down ideas to an absurd point as the intention is to create a guttural reaction.

What this meme is doing is confusing the idea of the Trinity. Part of the reason why the Trinity is often misunderstood is because so many want to make the claim that it’s a super simple idea, when it’s not. I do have a short introduction video to the Trinity, which I will put in description, and I have a podcast episode of it coming out shortly.

But quickly, the idea of the Trinity does not state that Jesus and God are the exact same person. Jesus is seen as being distinct from God. Jesus is a different facet of God. That’s why Jesus could refer to God as his Father, creating a clear distinction. It’s always why Jesus could still pray to a transcendent God.

It goes further than that as Jesus was also said to be fully human. This is quite different from the divine being of God. There is once again a distinction.

The doctrine of the Trinity doesn’t state that the Father, Son, and Spirit are exactly the same, but they are related.

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Dustin Written by: